Grand Prize winner will be notified on the afternoon of February 23, 2021.
This sweepstakes is hosted by UnderPar, the leading pre-paid golf website where you can play the best courses and stay at the finest golf resorts at incredibly low rates.
A Confirmed Share is determined by a user sharing their unique contest URL with their friends, family, and co-workers resulting in their entrance in the contest. Entries deemed to be fraudulent in nature will not be counted.
The random draw will take place on Tuesday, February 23, 2021. The winner will be notified on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 23, 2021.
Participants will receive one (1) ballot for entering the contest and can increase their chances of winning by sharing the contest with their friends and family.
Participants will receive five (5) additional ballots for every confirmed share. Entries deemed to be fraudulent in nature will not be counted.
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It should be noted, that in some cases we may have to disclose information about our customers in order to perform services (Deliver Products/Provide Services etc) or improve platform performance (Improve Product Selection/Product Display etc). For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.
You can choose to not allow us to disclose information to any outside organizations, but please note that this could limit your ability to use our website to purchase products and/or utilize other features/services. If you would like more information, or to request that we do not disclose information to any outside organizations, please email us at